
Global Health Initiatives

By giving to global health organizations that sit at the intersection of technology and public health, we hope to catalyze the creation and dissemination of healthcare solutions worldwide.

A photo of a woman holding a small child and smiling.

Organizational Support

We back organizations and programs that are committed to improving global health, increasing prevention measures, and removing barriers to disease screening in communities across the globe.

Khushi Baby


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In 2023, the Foundation provided a gift to Khushi Baby for the further development of artificial intelligence-driven apps within the clinical healthcare setting. 

Khushi Baby is a nonprofit organization addressing the high rate of child and infant mortality in India. Through the Khushi Baby Pendant, a biometric data tracker, and accompanying clinical care apps, the organization is fundamentally altering infant and maternal care across rural India by providing health workers with needed data to accurately predict clinical, nutritional, and developmental outcomes.   

Khushi baby logo. A green, square box with a white circle containing a “stick figure” style illustration of a person reaching their arms up toward the sky.